
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 258 - Our GOTY’s of 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! Albeit, in a shortened format this go around!
The guys are doing a quick round of news due to the holiday season. They talk about NEO The World Ends With You, Bravely Default II sales, and the translated trailer for Triangle Strategy and what it means for the game itself!
And in the main event, the guys quickly go over their Game of the Year picks for the Nintendo Switch in 2021!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Episode 257 - Reviewing Ourselves
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And yes, we skipped last week, but you'll understand why in a bit once you listen in!
First, the guys talk about their latest gaming exploits! Todd has "beaten" Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, and he has thoughts on how hard the Pokemon league was. Will has been playing Overwatch and other things, and Tyler has been diving back into Shovel Knight!
Then, in the news...The Game Awards. We explain why we didn't react to the "reveals" at the show, as well as what we thought of the winners (that might have been rigged...). Add to that, an Indie World showcase arrived this week, Sakurai doesn't want to work as much on the potential next Smash Bros game, the Switch sells REALLY well in November, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys look at their "Nintendo Switch in Review" stats and then grade themselves as they reflect on what they've played this year.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Episode 256 - Game Awards Is Strange
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and the guys are going to be firing on all cylinders as Skull Kid Scott returns to make it a 4-man crew for the first time in a while!
First up, the guys talk about their recent gaming exploits. Todd talks Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and the enjoyment he has with it, Will talks Mario Party Superstars, Scott discusses Avengers content, and Tyler debates the style and quality of Hollow Knight versus Metroid Dread!
Then, in the news, Pokeon Evolutions returns, Black Friday sales numbers in the UK are huge, Pokemon sales in Japan are massive, the final Super Smash Bros Ultimate character balance patch already has people talking, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the Game Awards are next week, but is there a lot to honestly expect from them? The guys break it all down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Episode 255 - Thankful For Copycats
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here once more, and while the holidays hold one of our hosts back, a new one comes to try and fill the void!
First, the guys talk about their newest gaming experiences! New co-host Skull Kid Scott talks Shin Megami Tensei V as well as Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. Todd joins him in that talk, while Tyler discusses playing Mario Party Superstars with friends and family!
Then, in the news, G4TV has RIPPED US OFF, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl is doing great sales despite a certain autosave issue, the Nintendo Gamecube wasn't supposed to be purple apparently for reasons you won't suspect, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys look back at the year that was and give thanks for what Nintendo has brought them.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Episode 254 - Set For Launch
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And scheduling has gotten the guys into the podcast a bit early this week, but that's ok because that just means there's a lot to talk about with the game industry as a whole!
First up, the guys talk about the games they've been playing. Todd talks about his latest Comic-Con and what Nintendo cosplays he saw, as well as his mistrust in Fire Emblem Heroes storylines as of late. Will has been enjoying Shin Megami Tensei V, and Tyler has been retrying his Sonic love with Sonic Colors Ultimate! Is the upgrade better? Find out!
Then, in the news, the guys discuss the "corporate talk" that Nintendo has been doing with a lot of topics. Including Joy-Cons, the feedback The Pokemon Company gets about titles, the future of 3D Mario games, and more. They also discuss Metroid Dread sales, the launch of the OLED, the Switch has Twitch, and so on.
Finally, with the return of G4, the guys each make a pitch about what shows they would do if they were hired by the relaunched company. And it gets...interesting.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Episode 253 - Inaccurate Comparisons
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and while the guys were away, the news has been pouring in!
First up, the guys talk about the games they've been playing. Todd and Will have been playing Fire Emblem Heroes and have thoughts about the new banner (very different thoughts, mind you). And Tyler has grabbed the Bioshock Collection on Switch and has been enjoying the first title.
Then, in the news, the latest fiscal data for the Nintendo Switch is here and the system has been doing well. Add to that, Sakurai has teased that Smash Bros might not be over yet, Donkey Kong might be getting an animated movie alongside movie, Ace Attorney has gotten a fan poll that reveals some interesting things, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys break down the comparisons that are going on between Persona 5 and Shin Megami Tensei V in terms of the latter "needing to be more" like the former, and whether that's fair or not. As well as other disturbing trends in the gaming industry as a whole.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Episode 252 - Horrifying Results
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with it almost being Halloween, the guys will be talking about all the scariness that Nintendo has been bringing as of late!
First up, the guys talk about the games they've been playing! Todd has gotten new Joy-Cons and was able to get back into Smash Bros Ultimate! Tyler has been playing, and enjoying, Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl. And Will has been enjoying FEH and Lost Judgment!
Then, in the news, the guys discuss the fallout from the rollout of the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack launch. Hear what has gone wrong with it (hint: it's basically everything). Add to that, Pikmin Bloom was announced and released, Triangle Strategy (still a terrible name) got a recap trailer, Pokemon shows off the horrifying backstories to the new Zorua/Zoroark, Metroid Dread gets a demo AFTER its launch, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys discuss scary or terrifying moments or scenes from Nintendo history. What moments chilled them to their core? What ones cause shivers as they talk about them? Find out here!
So sit back, relax and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Episode 251 - Sora-ta Talking
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and the guys are going to talk about many different topics, including things they love and hate from recent times!
First up, the guys talk about what they've been playing. Will relays how he's done in the recent Fire Emblem Heroes banner, as well as Lost Judgment. Todd and Tyler then team up to take on Metroid Dread and discuss not just Todd's review of it, but break down everything that makes it good, bad, or whatever there is in between!
Then, in the news, Pokemon Legends Arceus has gotten a new "Found Footage" trailer that reveals some fun new regional variants. But what do the guys think of them? Also, we now know how Sora got into Smash Bros in terms of getting permission from the House of Mouse, SMT V DLC has gotten revealed, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys are still sore about Nintendo Switch Online Expansion cost, so they decide to go off and note other things that Nintendo has gone wrong!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Episode 250 - The Dread-Ful Paywall
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and with the release of a new game and the newest Nintendo Switch version coming out, the guys have a lot to discuss!
First up, the guys talk about what they've been playing. Todd and Tyler tag team to talk about their experiences with the newly released Metroid Dread! Do they like it? What do they think of the E.M.M.I.s? Is the game living up to the hype so far? They break it down with MINIMAL spoilers! Will talks Lost Judgment, Fire Emblem Heroes, and New York Comic-Con!
Then in the news, Metroid Dread has caused some controversy due to its...end credits? Add to that, G4TV finally has its launch date, Pokemon gets new videos and a Netflix movie, Animal Crossing New Horizons gets new content, and an emulation has caused a lot of controversy!
Finally, in the main event, the guys talk about the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack price and how this is a serious misstep on Nintendo's part. They break it all down and wonder how they came to this absurd price.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Episode 249 - Thank You, Sakurai
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with the announcement of Sora in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the guys decide to dedicate the entire episode to Smash Bros as a whole!
First up, obviously, they talk about the reveal trailer for Sora. What did they think of the trailer's look as a whole? What did they think about the reactions that people had to the reveal? Does Sora make sense as the final Smash Bros character?
Then, they go and talk about the big announcement of the Kingdom Hearts franchise coming to the Nintendo Switch via cloud versions! Is this a good move? Should they have done physical versions instead? The guys discuss.
After that, the guys look at Super Smash Bros Ultimate as a whole. How did Nintendo handle this game as a whole? Did they do well with the trailers, the DLC, the balance of characters, and so on?
Finally, with the hope of a new Smash Bros game now on the horizon, what characters should arrive next time around? Each host pick two 1st and 3rd party characters to potentially arrive!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!