
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Episode 297 - Shut It Down!
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with Poke-news abound, and some big issues coming up in the industry, there's a lot to talk about!
First up, the guys talk about their gaming exploits! They talk about the Splatfest of last weekend and their experiences with the title! Were they happy with how it all went down? How many times did they get Tri-Color battles? Why did Team Fun do so well? The guys break it down!
Then, in the news! Ed Sheeran releases his song "Celestial" and it's actually really good! Add to that, there's a life-size Spheal for you to purchase for $500, Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope gets a new story trailer, Sakurai calls for no hate on his YouTube channel, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys ask the question of how long the mainline Pokemon games can last! Will they keep making generations until they can't anymore? Or will they focus on the spinoff side of things? The guys discuss!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Episode 296 - They Old!!!
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is back, and the guys will be busy with this episode!
First up, the guys talk about their recent gaming exploits. Todd talks Fire Emblem Heroes and Splatoon 3! Is he really addicted to TableTurf Battles? You'll find out! Scott talks Legend of Heroes and how he STILL hasn't finished Xenoblade Chronicles 3! Will talks about his growing ranks in Splatoon 3, and his luck in FEH!
Then, in the news! Pokemon Ultimate Journeys gets dated in the west, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet gets new details on its story modes, GTA VI gets some support from other game devs, Splatoon 3 Amiibo are almost done, the Super Mario Bros film gets a release date for its teaser trailer, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the first true Splatoon 3 Splatfest is here! And the guys have to pick sides and defend their desert island resource!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Episode 295 - Dripping With Directs
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with a brand new Nintendo Direct to keep them talking for a WHILE, there's going to be many games to discuss!
As promised, the guys talk about the Nintendo Direct! They break down everything that was shown and discuss what they think about it! Fire Emblem Engage, Octopath Traveler 2, Bayonetta 3, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, and more will be discussed! How will they grade the show? Tune in and find out!
Then, the news, the guys talk quickly about some of the other stories of the week! Bayonetta gets a gameplay vide, Splatoon 3 sells huge, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys break down what they've enjoyed following Splatoon 3's release! What are their favorite parts of the game so far? Find out here!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment!

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Episode 294 - We Rock
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And the guys will have a lot to talk about in terms gaming as well as game development!
First up! The guys discuss the Splatfest World Premiere! The guys were all Team Rock and won the Splatfest!!! But what were the guys thoughts on the play of Splatoon 3 event? Or, what else were they playing?
Then, in the news, the guys talk the Nintendo Direct rumors, the new Pokemon that might be flipping the bird, Dragalia Lost is soon to be actually lost, MORE Nintendo Switch Pro rumors, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys talk the latest musings of Masahiro Sakurai and discuss what they learned from him! What were their favorite lessons from Daddy Sakurai so far?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Episode 293 - Triple Splat
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And the guys will have plenty to talk about, especially with the Splatfests coming back!
First up, the guys talk about their gaming exploits. Todd talks about Spider-Man Remastered, and how he's really enjoying this title from basically top to bottom. Will and Scott meanwhile talk about how they're doing in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. How far have they progressed? Where are they in the story? They break it down!
Then, in the news, we had a Nintendo Treehouse Live, what did they show? Also, Masahiro Sakurai has started his own YouTube channel!!!! What did the guys think about the videos that are up on the channel right now? Add to that, Sonic Frontiers got a new trailer, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet got a new Pokemon reveal, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak gets new sales numbers and updates, and more!
Finally, in the main event...it's the return of Settle It In Splat!!! Rock, Paper, or Scissors, who do the guys pick and choose to defend?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Episode 292 - Universal Fighters
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And the show will be going through highs and lows in the terms of the number of hosts!
First up, the guys discuss their latest gaming exploits! Todd and Will both discuss the new Choose Your Legends Banner in Fire Emblem Heroes! Who did they like? Who did they get in the banners in their summons? Then, they discuss Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and how far they've both gotten, with Todd discussing his review and his personal score for the title!
Then, Koopa Keith joins in for the news! Including a lot of Pokemon news, Nintendo is talking Switch and its price (don't worry, it's not going up!), they got a fire in their building, and Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes hits one million units!
Finally, in the main event, the guys try and pick Pokemon that should be in Pokken Tournament 2!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Episode 291 - Shiver Me Splats
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with a light week, but a big Direct, the guys will still have a lot to talk about!
First up, the guys discuss their latest experiences in Xenoblade Chronicles 3! What are their new experiences now that they're 1-2 weeks into playing? What have each of them been focusing on in terms of their journeys? And will Todd actually get a review up for the game this weekend? They let you know!
Then, they go right into a Direct Talk and break down everything that happened in the Splatoon 3 Direct! They talk about the new weapons, the new stages, all the customizations options, the new additions to Salmon Run, as well as arrival of Deep Cut and the Triple Threat Splatfests! Is there anything they're NOT excited about for this game?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Episode 290 - Pokemon Crystal The Sequel
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And the guys will have a lot to talk about due to a new game release and teases for what's to come with Pokemon!
First off, the guys talk about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (in terms of how long they've actually gotten to play it that is...). What did they think about it? What are the highpoints in their minds? What sticks out in their minds compared to the previous titles? Do they think this might be the best in the series? They break it all down without going into too many spoilers.
Then, in the news, the guys break down the latest Pokemon Presents and talk about all the new information for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Are they intrigued with some of the twists on the legendaries, the different kind of story, and the new gameplay mechanics? Are they more hyped for it now than they were before? We discuss!
Finally, in the main event, they continue their Pokemon talk in order to guess what the two "other storylines" will be in the main quest! What do they hope we get to make the game even better?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Episode 289 - Enter The Arena
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here once again! And with another big game release on the horizon, the guys break it all now!
First up, the guys talk about their gaming exploits! Todd and Will talk Live A Live, and break down the 1994 RPG that has been remade in the modern day for the better! What did they like, what was Todd's review score, and what were their thoughts on the various time periods? They break it all down! Skull Kid Scott talks finishing up Stray as well as his first playthrough of Long Live The Queen!
Then, in the news, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is almost here, and we already know about the next title! Add to that, the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is about to get Wave 2 of the Booster Pass, Kid Icarus Uprising is possibly getting a remaster on the Switch, and there are even MORE Pokemon leaks for Gen 9!
Finally, in the main event, the guys go to the Arena! What would they do to create the ultimate Nintendo battle challenge? You might be surprised!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Episode 288 - A REAL Special Edition
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with arrivals and leaks and spoilers abound, the guys have much to discuss!
First up, the guys talk their gaming exploits. Skull Kid Scott returns to talk Warriors Orochi and Long Live The Queen! Todd talks Arkham Knight and the terror that is the Batmobile! Will has tried out the Live A Live demo, as well as Sunbreak!
Then, in the news, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 gets an overview trailer, Mario Strikers Battle League gets two new characters, more leaks and spoilers are coming out on the internet, Live A Live is almost here, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys break down the special editions of the past and what really makes it worthy to buy, or not buy. And when should games just decide not to do them?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!