
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Episode 238 - The World Ends With An Error Code
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Back from the break, the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast has returned! And with them comes various tales of luck, love, heartbreak, and frustration!
First up, the guys talk about their recent gaming experiences. Tyler has been playing the title known as CrisTales and has a lot to discuss about what makes this game great! Will meanwhile is almost done with the main challenges in Ring Fit Adventure, and has been enjoying other titles too! Finally, Todd has been playing two games via Monster Hunter Stories 2 and NEO The World Ends With You! Find out how one game made his satisfied, while another gave him a record high, and a crushing low!
Then, in the news, Monster Hunters Stories 2 ships a million units, Nintendo seems to indicate that the Pro will NOT come out, Reggie Fils-Aime is making a book about his journey to Nintendo, Earthbound 64 was almost a thing, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys look at a trending gaming meme and reveal their games that fit in various categories like, "Best Combat", "Favorite Art Style", and more!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Episode 237 - Pro-Lies
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And boy have the guys have a lot to discuss given that a "special announcement" was made by Nintendo!
First up, the guys go right into the main event by discussing the Nintendo Switch OLED and whether this announcement was honestly worth it or whether the internets thoughts about it being a "lackluster" announcement is true. Or, as Tyler asks, "Was this announcement a mistake?"
Then in "What Have You Been Playing?", Will talks about Disgaea 6, Tyler talks more about his review of Mario Golf Super Rush, and Todd has done the demo for Monster Hunter Stories 2. What did he think about it, and why does he hate a certain cat?
Finally, in the news, Pokemon Master Journeys has FINALLY gotten a release date, Ring Fit Adventure might get a sequel or expanded, a wrestling fan has triggered the Persona 5 fanbase, and more!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Episode 236 - Tekken Golf For Granted
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And after a slow news week previous, the trio is back with a LOT to talk about!
First up, the guys discuss the games they've been playing and they've been playing a LOT! Todd has been doing the demo for NEO The World Ends With You's demo and he's in love. He breaks it down in full. Then, Will and Tyler team up to discuss Mario Golf Super Rush and they do an 18-hole round of details on everything from speed golf, battle mode, story mode, the levels, the online, and more!
Then, in the news, Kazuya Mishima is officially in Smash Bros and the guys break down what kind of a fighter he is and where he stacks amongst the other DLC characters. Add to that, N64 Classic Edition might be coming, F-Zero almost got made again, the Nintendo Switch Pro might have been teased again, Overwatch 2 on Switch might have "comprises", and there's going to be a Super Mario version of...The Game Of Life?
Finally, in the main event, the Game Makers of NEP take on the Game Makers of Nintendo and beyond about why they do certain things and allow certain things in their games despite the fans making it clear what they like.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Episode 235 - Post-E3 Lull
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and with a week since E3 2021, the guys are honestly missing it all, but they shall endure!
First up, the guys talk about the games they've been playing. Todd has been enjoying Saints Row 4 again and talks about what really makes the game fun. As well as laments the latest Fire Emblem Heroes banner! Will has been doing some Wii Fit Adventure and other titles and then Tyler discusses the new Ratchet & Clank game and how certain games are "too big" on consoles like the PS5 and the Xbox's of the world.
Then, in the news, the Pokemon Company strikes down some leakers, Shin Megami Tensei V pre-orders are getting scalped, Metroid game sales are spiking after the announcement of Dread, NEO The World End With You announces a demo, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys discuss who has the best music in their franchise!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Episode 234 - E3 2021 Recap
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and the guys are chomping at the bit to go and talk about everything E3 2021!
The entire show is dedicated to E3 2021 and they break down everything that was shown at the Nintendo Direct presentation! From Kazuya Mishima being the next character for Super Smash Bros Ultimate, to the surprise announcement of games like Metroid Dreadd, WarioWare Get It Together, Advance Wars 1+2 Re-Boot Edition, to the third party chat with Monster Hunter 2 Stories and Shin Megami Tensei V, and more!
And when all is looked at, the guys debate the big question of, "Did Nintendo win E3?" (Hint: They totally did!) and what they thought of the other presentations as a whole!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Episode 233 - The E3 Draft
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and with E3 2021 literally days away, and the guys are literally chomping at the bit to go and be there (virtually) to hear everything that is coming out this year and next!
But first, the guys talk about what they have been playing. Todd has been enjoying Ace Attorney, Saints Row The Third, and had an interesting run in summoning for Fire Emblem Heroes! Will meanwhile has been enjoying Fall Guys and working hard on Ring Fit Adventure! Tyler has been enjoying the games he's been able to play, and also thinks Ring Fit Adventure might be in his future!
Then, in the news, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 2 may be coming, Monster Hunter Stories 2 gets a new story trailer, Poketoons returns with a beautiful new story, WarioWare might be getting a Switch title, and more!
Finally, on the FINAL Road To E3, the guys break out the Draft for the THIRD TIME THIS YEAR and make their hard predictions on what they feel is going to be revealed at E3 2021 by Nintendo (and its affiliates in the exclusive sense). What games do they think will be shown? Do they think the Switch Pro will FINALLY come? Or is there something else they think will show up? We break it all down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Episode 232- An E3 Rom-Com
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And the countdown to E3 2021 continues! As we draw closer, the news and information continues to grow!
First up, the guys discuss their gaming exploits. Tyler has been continuing his Fire Emblem journey and he has some very curious thoughts about Sacred Stones. Will has been continuing on Monster Hunter Rise as well as enjoying some good luck on Fire Emblem Heroes! Todd meanwhile continues to love Ace Attorney and has had some lesser luck on Heroes.
Then, in the news, there is more details on what Nintendo will bring to E3 2021! Including the return of the Nintendo Treehouse! Plus, record Switch sales in Japan, new record sales for the Pokemon Company, Link vs Cloud are going to dance once again in Death Battle, and more!
Finally, in the main event, E3 draws near, and we know many things will be announced. But what WON'T be announced? Exactly, the guys are going to the other side of the spectrum to detail what they feel Nintendo WON'T announce...even though they should!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday May 27, 2021
Episode 231 - Guess Who Back, Back Again
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and after LONG LAST, Tyler is back!!!! Finally. And because of that, we have a lot to discuss!
First up, the kings of Nintendo attire talk about their gaming experiences of the week! Tyler regales us with what he's been doing the last month with Dragon Quest, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and more. Will talks Fire Emblem Heroes and New Pokemon Snap, while Todd discuss returning to Ace Attorney and the case that he honestly doesn't like!
Then, in the news, SEGA has released a lot of Sonic news including a look at the new Netflix series, a return of Sonic Colors, and a tease of Sonic 2022! Add to that, there's new rumors of the Nintendo Switch Pro Edition and when it might come out, Dragon Quest XII is coming, multiple Pokemon games have gotten their release dates, and is Masahiro Sakurai retiring???
Finally, in the main event, on the Road To E3, the guys look at the 3rd Party developers who might just go and bring their titles to Switch in some form! But who might go and bring the biggest title or surprise?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday May 20, 2021
Episode 230 - Touring Our Genealogy
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and as the month of May slowly starts to fade into June, the news and hopes for E3 2021 grow, and we're here to talk about it!
First up, Todd and Will (Tyler is "missing") talk about their gaming experiences. Todd continues to be amazed by the details and love that is put into New Pokemon Snap. He also got a surprise from Fire Emblem Heroes! Will meanwhile talks Snap, Fall Guys, Overwatch, and more!
Then, in the news. Mario Golf Super Rush has gotten a full roster, Bandai Namco reveals more about New Pokemon Snap's development and porting Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom to Switch, Metroid might be getting a 2D game on Switch, plus, New Zelda Amiibo, Monster Hunter news, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the Road To E3 continues! The guys talk about 1st party games and announcements that they hope Nintendo reveals at E3 2021! What games are they hoping to see? Or trailers to get more details from? We break it all down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday May 13, 2021
Episode 229 - Rumors, RUMORS...and Rumors
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and yes, the shorthandedness continues, but the two Kings of Nintendo attire will not be deterred!
First up, the guys talk about their gaming experiences in the last week! Todd and Will are both enjoy New Pokemon Snap still, but what have they seen within the game recently that made them smile? Also, Fire Emblem Heroes has got them talking, but why?
Then, in the news, the guys talk about the potential non-starter that is Metroid Prime Trilogy coming to Switch. Also there have been a TON of rumors from a certain Nintendo insider, but what does it all mean? Is there some big titles coming out way this year and next? What franchise got detailed in the rumor mill?
Finally, in a bit of a prelude to "The Road To E3", Todd and Will discuss what their overall hopes for E3 2021 from Nintendo are. Are they hoping they do a long Nintendo Direct? Do they want them to focus on games for this year, or reveal what's coming next year and after? Or what about the potential Nintendo Switch Pro? The guys break it all down.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!