
Thursday May 13, 2021
Episode 229 - Rumors, RUMORS...and Rumors
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and yes, the shorthandedness continues, but the two Kings of Nintendo attire will not be deterred!
First up, the guys talk about their gaming experiences in the last week! Todd and Will are both enjoy New Pokemon Snap still, but what have they seen within the game recently that made them smile? Also, Fire Emblem Heroes has got them talking, but why?
Then, in the news, the guys talk about the potential non-starter that is Metroid Prime Trilogy coming to Switch. Also there have been a TON of rumors from a certain Nintendo insider, but what does it all mean? Is there some big titles coming out way this year and next? What franchise got detailed in the rumor mill?
Finally, in a bit of a prelude to "The Road To E3", Todd and Will discuss what their overall hopes for E3 2021 from Nintendo are. Are they hoping they do a long Nintendo Direct? Do they want them to focus on games for this year, or reveal what's coming next year and after? Or what about the potential Nintendo Switch Pro? The guys break it all down.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday May 06, 2021
Episode 228 - Selling Pictures
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And yeah, we're down a man...again...BUT...we have a lot to discuss nonetheless!
First up, Todd and Will go in-depth with New Pokemon Snap. What did they think about the game as a whole? What were they most amazed about in terms of the gameplay and how the Pokemon themselves looked and interacted? Did they feel that the game had a misstep here or there? What did they not expect from the game that it delivered on? They break it all down!
Then, in the news, the guys talk about the latest Nintendo Switch sales news! How did the Switch do in Q4 2021? What games went and exceeded expectations? How about Star Wars? In honor of May the 4th, what Star Wars game sold the most in the US over the years? Also, E3 2021 is getting more attendants, Pokemon Master Journeys has been announced, Xbox also expected BOTW 2 to be out by now, and more!
Finally, in the main event. In light of Nintendo being open to new animation projects, Todd and Will go and look at the Nintendo franchises that could work as long-term TV projects! Fire Emblem, Pikmin, Animal Cross, and Star Fox are discussed!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Episode 227 - Snap-py Updates
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And while one of the hosts are away, the other two will play! And talk, but also play!
First up, Todd and Will talk about their gaming experiences. Todd continues his Phoenix Wright Trilogy playthrough and is enjoying it, especially since Fire Emblem Heroes keeps disappointing him with his summons! Will meanwhile is going on his Monster Hunter Rise quest and his battles with certain key monsters is giving him a hard time!
Then, in the news, Monster Hunter had a direct and Rise sales continues to grow! Just as impressive, the Nintendo Switch sales have reached a new milestone in Japan! New Pokemon Snap is here at last, and as we find out, it could've come a lot sooner! Plus, NetherRealm Studios might be working on a Marvel title? Castlevania is getting an anniversary collection? And a Super Mario Party update 2 years after release?
Finally, in the main event, the guys talk about what they would enjoy if Pokemon Snap was real! What Pokemon would they want to see in the wild? What Pokemon would they want accompanying them on their journey? They break it all down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Episode 226 - No Technical Difficulties
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And this time...our computers won't shut down (hopefully!).
First up, the guys talk about their gaming exploits. Todd continues to enjoy his latest run-through in the Phoenix Wright Trilogy, but also has some thoughts on the latest banner in Fire Emblem Heroes (and certain types of Fire Emblem women apparently...). Will has been continuing on Monster Hunter Rise and has beaten the game but strives for more than the "basic" ending. Tyler hasn't gotten to do much but Smash Bros still reigns in his life!
Then, in the news, Capcom has announced that The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is coming to the West! Is Todd and Will excited about it? Also, the NPD numbers for March have come and Nintendo has once again come out on top! Mario Kart 8 has become the best-selling racing games in the US, and more!
Finally, it's the return of Boss Fight! Fire Emblem, Phoenix Right, Final Fantasy, Donkey Kong, and more are discussed! What makes these characters so great? We break it all down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Episode 225 - Snap It Back Together
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here, and despite some "technical difficulties" that went on during it, they were able to go and get things done!
In the news the guys talk Pokemon Snap (briefly, you'll see) then the Indie World presentation, the upcoming NEO The World Ends With You, the latest thoughts from the Nintendo President, as well as a possible Nintendo/Xbox collaboration!
Finally, in the main event, have their been games that Nintendo has made that honestly should've taken a few extra months to get a bit "more refined"?
So it back, relax, and enjoy a (slightly shortened) Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Episode 224 - The Bell Curve
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here with an all-new episode that is going to be talking about some BOLD things!
First up, the guys talk about their recent gaming experiences! Will has been playing the new Pacman 99 title, what has he thought about it? Tyler has gotten into Monster Hunter Rise but keeps playing Dragon Quest XII as well! Todd has only been playing Fire Emblem Heroes but has been enjoying his time in it!
Then, in the news, E3 2021 is on! And Nintendo is rumored to be having a big presentation! But what will it show off? What do the guys hope for? Add to that, Sakurai teases the future of Super Smash Bros as well as "another project" he's working on! No More Heroes has Will and Tyler excited (for very different reasons), the Legend of Zelda might get more re-releases this year, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys make a franchise tier list for Nintendo! Where will they rank everything? How different will their lists be? And can they agree on a unified list? Find out here!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Episode 223 - Everybody Plays The Fool
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here once more, and there's a lot of things going on within the host's world and the gaming world that needs to be talked about!
First up, the guy's talk about their recent gaming journeys. Todd laments not being able to play more games outside of Fire Emblem Heroes, Will has started Monster Hunter Rise and Tyler has some serious thoughts on what is shown in Dragon Quest XII!
Then, in the news, Monster Hunter Rise is already off to a great start on the Switch with 4 million shipped. Pokemon and others have played up the April Fool's Day game in interesting ways. Project Triangle's Producer teases what to expect when the game arrives in 2022. Pokemon Journeys has Todd with mixed feelings about its content, and more!
Finally, the guys talk the impact of Monster Hunter and how games like World and Rise have brought the Western side of the world into the franchise in big ways that have boosted the games' sales. Will happily regales with backstory and legends about why the series has done so well and why people are drawn to it.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Episode 222 - 2 Sequel or Not 2 Sequel
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is back, and despite being gone for a week, they have a lot to discuss including how Nintendo is handling some of their franchises!
First up, the guys recall their recent gaming experiences. Todd and Tyler discuss their more recent trials with Bravely Default II. Has either of them beaten it? Did Todd give it a good score on his review? What do they think held the game down? Find out here! Also, Will talks Persona 5 Strikers, Fall Guys Season 4, and more! Tyler also discusses Pyra and Mythra in Smash Bros and why they're his favorite characters!
Then, in the news, Niantic is making a Pikmin App, Monster Hunter Rise is getting great reviews before launch, New Pokemon Snap has gotten a hands-off preview and many have thoughts, Super Nintendo World is open in Japan, and more!
Finally, in the main event, Nintendo has been pushing hard on certain franchises recently, but is it doing things the right way? Shouldn't they focus less on certain franchises like Mario and focus instead on getting their other main core IP on the Nintendo Switch? What IP does the guys think Nintendo should back off on? We break it down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Episode 221 - I'm So Sick Of Counters
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here once more, and though the three kings of Nintendo attire are alone once more, there's still a LOT to talk about!
First up, Tyler and Todd go deep into their continued runs with Bravely Default II and how their opinions on it have changed since last week! Is Todd getting a hang of the combat system now? Is Tyler seeing some of the flaws that he felt weren't there before? What about the story, what are their thoughts on that? Will meanwhile talks Persona 5 Strikers as well as Fire Emblem Heroes!
Then, in the news, Pokemon Journeys released its 4th part, but how was it on the whole? What did Todd think about the Alola reunion episode? Also, Monster Hunter has had a new presentation and Will breaks it down. A new TMNT is coming, Japan reveals its best-selling Switch titles ever, and more!
Finally, in the main event, the guys look at the gameplay of Nintendo titles past and see what gameplay systems didn't work and should return to old form! What titles really irked the hosts and why didn't they like them? They happily (and furiously) break it down!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Episode 220 - Brave Legends, Default Graphics
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
The Nintendo Entertainment Podcast is here! And with Pokemon Day now a memory, the guys bring in a new guest hope to help celebrate Pokemon and talk Smash Bros!
First up, the guys, and gal, talk about their latest gaming adventures. Nessa Vanessa (our guest hope) talks about her recent experiences with Cuphead and a prequel to Pokemon Puzzle League! Todd and Tyler have played Bravely Default 2 and they have different opinions on how the game plays! Will of course has been playing Persona 5 Strikers, obviously.
Then, the four talk about the Pokemon Presents event! What did they think of the new footage of NEW Pokemon Snap? Or the reveal of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl? Or the new spinoff title via Pokemon Legends Arceus?
After that, the Mr. Sakurai Presents for Pyra/Mythra has arrived and they have some interesting thoughts on the way the two play!
Finally, the four look at the 8 generations of Pokemon and determine...which Pokemon have the WORST designs ever!!!
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the Nintendo Entertainment Podcast!